22nd ICSD Shanti Khinduka Lecture


Prof James Midgley
University Of California


James Midgley is Professor of the Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley. He previously served as Dean of the School of Social Welfare (1997 to 2006) at Berkeley, and held the Harry and Riva Specht Chair in Public Social Services from 1997 to 2016 when he retired from full-time academic work. Originally from South Africa, he studied at the University of Cape Town and the London School of Economics and held academic appointments at both universities before moving to the United States in 1985. He has published extensively on social development, social protection and international social welfare. His latest book Inequality, Social Protection and Social Justice was published by Elgar publishers last year. He has held Honorary Professorial appointments at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, Nihon Fukushi University in Japan, Sun Yat-sen University in China and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has been awarded honorary doctorates by the University of Johannesburg, Polytechnic University of Madrid and his alma mater, the University of Cape Town.