With Maria Billups, ICSD established the James Billups International Social Development Leadership Award. This award will annually honor a person who best exemplifies the values, commitments, and leadership in international social development as characterized by the life and work of James Billups. During the years of the biannual symposium the award will be made at the symposium. The award will be made at a special ceremony at the annual program meeting of CSWE for the non-symposium years.
At the beginning of each presidential term, the president will appoint a committee of four people including the ICSD Secretary General, one of the ICSD vice presidents, one institutional member representative, and one non institutional member representative. Criteria for committee selection of the two membership representatives will include previous participation in biannual symposiums, numbers of years active in ICSD, and leadership in ICSD. Committee members will serve four year terms. The ICSD Secretary General will serve as chair of the committee.
The person selected will have demonstrated through tireless efforts
The person will have made an exceptional international contribution in promoting the above criteria through his/her leadership in international organizations and/or international social development projects.
The committee will electronically request letters of nomination from board members and officers 6 months prior to the award being given. A two month deadline will be set for the submission of nominations. Nominators will be requested to send nominations electronically. The deliberations of the committee will be carried out electronically.
The award will consist of a plaque which will include the name of the award, that it is awarded by ICSD, the name of the awardee, the years James Billups was president of IUCISD (1990-1998) and a brief statement about his contribution to international social development, the recipient of the award and a brief statement of his/her contribution to international social development, and the date. The award will be presented at the ICSD biannual symposium. On the non symposium years it will be awarded at a special ceremony in conjunction with the ICSD annual board meeting and the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. The cost of the plaque and any ceremony costs will be paid out of the ICSD James Billups memorial fund.