Information for Authors
Manuscripts addressing alternative approaches to counteracting obstacles to development are welcome. All methodologies appropriate for the study design are equally considered and valued. Developmental perspectives and research on international social justice might include—but are not limited to—lifespan, gender, and racial issues, the impact of policies, practices and service delivery systems on urban and rural communities, comparative health/mental health, poverty, income maintenance and movements such as global feminism, human rights and peace.
SDI’s main objective is to promote free inquiry and research, so it does not charge any article processing fees or page fees to authors. Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0), which enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, for any purpose, so long as attribution is given to the creator. Authors of published articles retain their full copyrights.
Please submit articles to Books for possible reviews, may also be forwarded to the Editor.
SDI takes pride in quick and fair evaluation of all submissions. The contributors normally receive feedback within 4 to 6 weeks.
Manuscript requirements
Manuscripts should be no more than 7,000 words, including references. Manuscripts should be formatted according to the following guidelines:
- Include a title page containing the contact information for each author (affiliation, address, telephone number, and e-mail address).
- Begin each section on a separate page and in this sequence: title page, abstract, main text, appendix, references, table(s), and figure(s).
- Include an abstract of 150 words or less. Include 5-6 keywords or descriptors for indexing purposes.
- All manuscript components should be double spaced (main text, abstract, references, block quotations, appendices, and tables). Tables must be set up using Microsoft Word’s table tool
- Manuscripts should be left justified with a ragged right-hand margin (no full justification).
- All citations must be included in the text and listed alphabetically at the end of the article in the References section.
- Manuscripts must follow APA 6th edition guidelines (Information is available at: )
- Footnotes and endnotes are not accepted. SDI strictly adheres to the use of non-sexist language. Any material deviating significantly will be returned to the author for revision.
- The Editorial Board and reviewers use peer review to eliminate any practice of plagiarism. SDI seeks only original contributions, with a zero-tolerance policy to discourage plagiarism.
Submission Instructions: Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail as a Microsoft Word document (.doc) or in rich text format (.rtf) to the Editor at: at All queries regarding manuscripts, reviewing, and special issues should be directed to the Editor: Dr. Philip Hong, Editor – Social Development Issues –
General questions about the journal, including advertising (publication partners) and library subscriptions, should be directed to: Dr. Alice Butterfield, Chair of SDI Board of Managers & Treasurer, Email:
Peer Review
SDI’s peer review policy is dynamic, unique, and comprehensive:
- Articles, conference papers, commentaries and book reviews are received—sometimes invited—for possible publication after a blind review by at least two qualified reviewers usually assigned by the Editor for SDI’s Board of Editors.
- Book Reviews, Editor’s Note and short commentaries are exempt from the rigorous review process. The Editor, however, reserves his/her right to accept, reject, and/or modify the submissions.
- Reviewers are given one month to submit their evaluative comments and suggestions with specific recommendations.
- Unrelated, poorly narrated submissions with little significance are returned to the contributors without any review.
| ISSN: 2372-014X | Print ISSN: 0147-1473 | Published by Michigan Publishing Services |